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KangaMix FAQ

To help you get the most out of your KangaMix experience, please read the following information before attending your first class. If you have any queries, please contact Kato via the button below.

What is KangaMix?

KangaMix is our flexible outdoor program! It could be KangaOnWheel, KangaTrail, Kangatraining Outdoors or a combination of all! As we are running pop up classes your instructor will advise each week what will be appropriate for each class.


KangaMix is another ultimate postnatal workout option for you with your baby. KangaMix is a low intensity, low impact workout during which both cardiovascular endurance/fitness and muscular capacity/strength are enhanced. Unlike traditional exercise classes, new mums need not worry about finding a babysitter or minding an unsettled baby during class because the babies are worn on them or pushed in a pram and get to be part of the action! 

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What is involved?

The class structure involves a warm up, arm and leg work, pelvic floor exercises and stretching. Unlike our regular kangatraining classes there are no floor work or choreography sections. The class is an hour in duration, but can take a little longer if there are lots of carriers to be fitted and new participants in the group, so we'll see how we go and I may modify the class slightly to fit to the timeframe.

When can I start?

You can begin KangaMix once you have been given the “all clear” from your health professional to resume exercising postpartum. This can be anywhere from 6 weeks for a vaginal birth or from 12 weeks following a caesarean section. To ensure your health and safety, your instructor will ask you to complete a health questionnaire to highlight any concerns and demonstrate GP clearance (you will be unable to participate in KangaMix without these). If there are any issues, we can modify the exercises in the workout for you.


KangaMix is unfortunately not suitable while you are pregnant; please advise your instructor should you become pregnant during term. You and your new joey will be welcomed back to our KangaMix classes with open arms when you return after the birth!

What do I bring?

  • Your pre-filled health questionnaire and waiver, if you haven’t already returned via email

  • A suitable baby carrier, if you have one (see below for more information)

  • Your baby bag, including a spare nappy and wipes

  • Water bottle

  • Comfortable workout clothes and shoes

  • Dress baby in light clothing appropriate for weather and exercising in a carrier

  • Snacks, toys and other useful items if you are bringing an older child

Which carrier is suitable?

Several different types of carriers are suitable for KangaMix, including soft structured carriers (e.g., Manduca, Ergo, Boba, Tula, Kinderpack, etc.), Mei Dais, and Woven Wraps (provided that these are used in carries that distribute weight evenly across the body). All carriers must meet T.I.C.K.S. and S.A.F.E. guidelines for safe babywearing, and must support baby from knee to knee. Babies can be worn on your back or front, so long as their head is not high enough to bump your chin.


You may bring your own baby carrier, but it must be approved by your instructor before it can be used in class. Instructors reserve the right to refuse participation for any carrier deemed unsuitable for the session.


Please note: Ring slings, stretchy wraps, narrow based carriers, and outward facing carriers are not suitable for KangaMix.

What if my carrier isn't suitable? Or I don't have a carrier?

We have a limited number of baby carriers available to borrow in class - please pre-book carriers to avoid disappointment. Each hire carrier will be washed and inspected by your instructor prior to your use. Your instructor will assist you to fit the hire baby carrier and demonstrate its features. At this stage the carriers are free to borrow. Or just bring a pram for your joey to sit in and enjoy the KangaMix class.

When should I arrive?

Please aim to arrive at least 15 minutes before your first KangaMix class to allow time to have your carrier assessed for suitability or have a hire carrier fitted, and to discuss any health issues, concerns, or necessary modifications to exercises prior to commencing. If you are breastfeeding, it's a good idea to feed your baby beforehand for your own comfort. This also helps your baby to be calm and relaxed for the duration of the class. Don’t worry if your baby is due for a nap around the same time as your scheduled class; I can almost guarantee that the music, movement, and proximity will result in your baby being asleep by the end of the class!

Where can I put my baby if not in the carrier?

Locations and structure for each KangaMix pop up may vary, please check details of each pop up for more information. Please note that if the class is moving, all Joeys must remain in a carrier or pram for the duration of the class. If, during the session, your baby becomes unsettled or needs to be changed, or if you feel that you need to take time out for whatever reason, please do so when the class has stopped moving or catch up with us once you have settled

Who can come to KangaMix?

Locations and structure for each KangaMix pop up may vary and so will our ability to accommodate siblings, please check details of each pop up for more information. If the location is pram friendly it is likely that older siblings will be welcome. Please note that if the class is moving, all Joeys must remain in a carrier or pram for the duration of the class.


We don’t offer child minding services during the session so parents are responsible for the supervision and wellbeing of all of their children. We recommend that you bring some books and/or toys to occupy them during class, especially if they must remain in the carrier or pram for the class.


KangaMix is safe and beneficial for anyone, and for this reason we also welcome dads, grandparents, aunties, uncles, friends, non-birth parents… Anyone who can safely wear a baby or push a pram! All we request is that ALL participants complete a health questionnaire and waiver.

What are the fees?

For information on fees, see our Fee Schedule here. For terms and conditions, see here.

What if I have to cancel?

For information on fees, see our Fee Schedule here. For terms and conditions, see here.

Where do I join you?

Locations for each KangaMix pop up may vary, please check details of each pop up for more information.


Please take all dirty nappies and other rubbish with you for your own disposal. Neither myself nor the venue/s take responsibility for the loss or damage of your property, so please refrain from bringing valuables with you, including leaving such items in your car.

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