Kangatraining studio classes
Be fit, be strong, be healthy, be with your baby.
Service Description
Kangatraining is the ultimate postnatal workout with your baby. Kangatraining is a complete low intensity, low impact workout during which both cardiovascular endurance/fitness and muscular capacity/strength are enhanced. Unlike traditional exercise classes, new mums need not worry about finding a babysitter or minding an unsettled baby during class because the babies are worn on them and get to be part of the action!
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To join us at kanga: * postnatal participants must be minimum six (6) weeks post vaginal delivery, 12 weeks post caesarian section * all participants must have GP clearance to commence physical activity * Kanga is not appropriate in pregnancy; a refund will be given if you become pregnant prior to attending The Kanga term is eight (8) weeks duration with 16 classes in total available, plus one additional week and two (2) classes available for makeups (see next session re make up classes). Term Pass fees must be paid in full before first class and are valid for the specified Kanga term only. Excludes any “pop-up” classes that may be arranged with short notice. As a Mum myself, I understand that ‘life’ can sometimes get in the way of your plans, especially given the unusual circumstances we find ourselves in! If you are unwell or injured, please do not attend a session, rest and recover and we will see you when you are better. Where possible, please provide at least two (2) hours’ notice if you are unable to make it to your scheduled class. There will be a maximum of one (1) make up class for the term, which may be taken up on an alternative day or during the extra week/s of classes added at the end of term for this purpose. Make ups can only be taken within the duration of the term and will only be granted where a minimum of two (2) hours’ notice is given. Class passes are not transferable, and no refunds will be given in any circumstances, excepting if you become pregnant during the term period. An invoice will be emailed to you for payment. Payment via bank transfer prior to first class is required, EFTPOS and cash are not available; please use invoice number as reference. Thank you for your understanding and support of your local small business! VERY IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: PLEASE READ BEFORE CLASS PARTICIPATION You should understand that when participating in any exercise or dance program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in any of our online or virtual choreographed routines, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Kangatraining Kununurra for any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Kangatraining Kununurra negligence. If wearing your baby, it is solely your responsibility to ensure the carrier is optimal, correctly fitted and safe for the activity you are
Contact Details
Kununurra Neighbourhood House Inc., Chestnut Avenue, Kununurra WA, Australia